The Border Security Force (BSF), one of the five Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) of India, has released a notification for the recruitment of 10490 constables (general duty). The recruitment process will be conducted through a written examination, physical efficiency test (PET), and medical examination.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the BSF recruitment 2023, candidates must:
- Be an Indian citizen.
- Have passed Class 10 or equivalent from a recognized board.
- Be between the ages of 18 and 23 years as of January 1, 2023.
- Be physically and medically fit for the job.
Selection Process
The selection process for the BSF recruitment 2023 will consist of the following stages:
- Written examination: The written examination will be conducted on October 30, 2023. The exam will be objective in nature and will cover topics such as General English, General Knowledge, Mathematics, and Science.
- Physical efficiency test (PET): Candidates who qualify in the written examination will be required to appear for the PET. The PET will be conducted on November 13, 2023. The PET will consist of the following events:
- 100 meter race
- Long jump
- Shot put
- Medical examination: Candidates who qualify in the PET will be required to appear for a medical examination. The medical examination will be conducted on November 20, 2023.
How to Apply
Interested candidates can apply for the BSF recruitment 2023 online through the official website of the BSF. The online application process will commence on September 1, 2023 and will end on September 30, 2023.
Important Dates
- Online application start date: September 1, 2023
- Online application end date: September 30, 2023
- Written examination date: October 30, 2023
- PET date: November 13, 2023
- Medical examination date: November 20, 2023
Salary and Perks
The selected candidates will be appointed as constables (general duty) in the BSF and will be paid a salary of Rs. 21,700-56,100 per month. They will also be entitled to various other benefits such as free accommodation, medical facilities, and canteen facilities.
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