Re-Registration for IGNOU 2023: The deadline for IGNOU re-registration for the July session of 2023 is 15th June 2023. All students enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate, or diploma programs at the university must complete the re-registration process before this date to continue into the next semester or year. The re-registration process has commenced for the July 2023 session, covering all undergraduate, postgraduate, certificate, diploma, and PG diploma courses.
To complete the re-registration, candidates need to visit the IGNOU Samarth Re-Registration Portal at and log in using their username and password. A re-registration fee is applicable during the process.
IGNOU Trending News Updates
IGNOU Re-registration portal is open now for July session 2023, Students can apply till 15 June 2023.
To finish the admissions process, candidates must choose their core and elective subjects as well as pay a portion of their course fees. The available program at the UG and PG levels are BA, BSC, BCA, BCOM, MBA, MCA, MSC, MCOM, etc.
IGNOU Re-Registration 2023
IGNOU Re-registration last date 2023 is 15 June 2023. Now the re-registration portal has been started on 08 May 2023 at IGNOU. To complete their re-admission students can visit the official website an complete the process before the deadline. The Re-Registration process is only available for existing students and those who haven’t taken the previous TEE.
To apply for the IGNOU Re-registration process, an applicant should fill out a form at Students must pay the re-admission fees, and all the courses have a different fee structure according to the subject selection. Students must pay fees at the time of IGNOU re-admission.
IGNOU Re-registration 2023 last date
Events | Dates |
Re-registration Start Date | 08 May 2023 |
IGNOU Re-registration Last Date 2023 | 15 June 2023 |
FAQs About IGNOU Re-registration 2023?
Ques 1: What is IGNOU Re-registration?
Ans: Re-registration means registering or applying for the next semester or year in the course that one is pursuing. It is required to continue the course. A specific amount of fee is to be paid for re-admission.
Ques 2: What to do if you failed to Re-register?
Ans: There may be some instances when applicants couldn’t re-register. Then, they don’t have any other option but to wait for the next semester or year.
Ques 3: What is the last date for re-registration in IGNOU?
Ans: 15 June 2023 is the last for IGNOU re-registration July 2023 session.
Ques 4: How many times IGNOU enable a re-registration portal in a year?
Ans: IGNOU enables students to get re-register for the enrolled program two times a year (July & July).
Ques 5: Who is eligible to apply for IGNOU’s re-registration form 2023?
Ans: Re-registration will only be available to candidates who are enrolled in any IGNOU UG or PG programme.